Business Health

Additional Resources:
In addition Birdifi Bridge helps you accelerate your success by providing you the option of accessing a range of free accelerators, including weekly networking.
Harness the skills and experience of our mentors to assess how your business is performing, and identify strategic ways you can unlock greater success.
Business Health Checks help business owners assess how their existing business is running and to find ways to improve its viability.
3hrs of support, provided over one or multiple sessions.
Either face to face, online or over the phone.
To help business owners assess how their existing business is running and find ways to improve its viability.
More Detail:
A Business Health Check will assist you to develop your business by providing support to analyse the business, develop an action plan to ensure the business’ viability and identify other forms of support that may benefit your business:
A Business Health Check session could include, but is not limited to:
understanding the financial health of your business,
understanding the business model,
conducting a risk assessment,
performance improvement planning,
reviewing business relationships and staff wellbeing,
helping you to engage with your local small business ecosystem, or
any other matters impacting the viability of your business.
To be eligible to access Self-Employment Services, you must:
be at least 15 years of age,
not be prohibited by law from working in Australia,
not be an overseas visitor on a working holiday visa or an overseas student studying in Australia,
not be enrolled in full-time secondary education
not be an undischarged bankrupt, and
In addition, to be eligible to access a Business Health Check, you must:
not have accessed a Business Health Check within the past 12 months, and
must not currently be accessing Small Business Coaching, and
must have a business that meets the Business Eligibility Criteria.
Further, Birdifi Bridge must be comfortable that you are aware of the Self-Employment Assistance Services available to you, you have made an informed decision that this is the service most applicable to you and that you have the capacity and capability to benefit from this service. If you have an existing business, this includes being satisfied that delivering the session will increase the likelihood that your business will be operating commercially within 12 months.
Somerset Region Eligibility
To be eligible to receive Self-Employment Assistance from Birdifi Bridge, you must:
live within the Somerset Employment Region*, or
have, or propose to have, a business address within the Somerset Employment Region*
*the Somerset Employment Region includes the Brisbane CBD, Caboolture and Kilcoy. You can view a list of suburbs and a map of the region here.
If you're outside of the Somerset Employment Region, you can find your local Self-Employment Assistance provider here.
For more information on Self-Employment Assistance, refer to the Workforce Australia website.
Other Self-Employment Services you may be interested in: