Summary of Services
Self-Employment Assistance is a federally funded program from Workforce Australia, it is:
Designed to help people start and run a small business
An alternate to JobSeeker (but not just for those on JobSeeker payments)
There are 6 separate services. Each service is different, but you can do more than one if you are eligible. You only have to do the ones that you want to (aside from business planning which must be done if you want to start Small Business Coaching), the services are:
Exploring Self-Employment Workshop
​A workshop designed to help you understand 'what self-employment is', come up with business ideas and decide if self-employment is right for you.
​Duration: 25hrs delivered face-to-face over 3-5 days
Other Notes: If you want to do this service, you should do it before most other services.
PBAS benefits*: 20 points per workshop
Small Business Training
Undertake a Certificate lll in Entrepreneurship & New Business or a Skill Set in New Business, giving you the qualification, skills and tools to help you grow, develop and professionalise your business.
​​Duration: Delivered online and self-paced (no lectures or tutorials) over a maximum period of 12 months (Certificate) or 3 months (Skill Set)
Other Notes: You are able to do this service, in conjunction with other services such Small Business Coaching, a Business Health Check or a Business Advice Session, although not with the Exploring Self-Employment Workshop.
PBAS benefits*: 25 points/week for up to 8 weeks from date of enrolment
Business Plan Development
Help to develop a business plan and cashflow forecast for your business or business idea and assess the businesses viability.
​​Duration: Self-paced
Other Notes: We will send you a template (with instructions, examples and links to more information), but will then meet with you one-on-one to further help. A completed and approved business plan is a pre-requisite for doing the Small Business Coaching.
PBAS benefits*: 25 points per business plan
Small Business Coaching
Personalised mentoring to help you start and run your business:
12 months access to a business coach and mentoring to help you develop your business in-line with your Business Plan. We can't work in your business or provide you legal, financial (accounting or tax) or insurance advice.
Income Support:
If you are on income-support on the day before you start on Small Business Coaching you may be eligible to get self-employment allowance, which is currently $778/fortnight for a maximum period of 39 weeks (9 months).
This is paid instead of your current income-support (e.g. JobSeeker) not in addition to it (note, some carer. disability support and single-parenting payment recipients can choose to stay on their current payment instead).
If your current payment is more than this amount, you won't be 'out of pocket' and your current payment will be reduced $for$ by the Self-Employment Allowance payment, though you may still have mutual obligations for this amount and you will need to check with your current provider for details on what this is.
If your current payment is equal to or less than this new amount, you will get the full self-employment allowance payment and you will be automatically removed from your current payment and any obligations associated with it.
If you are not on income-support payments before you start coaching, but subsequently start receiving payments, you can transfer over to self-employment allowance payments. However, you won't get payments for the full 39 weeks (i.e. if it takes 5 weeks to start getting payments from when you start coaching, you will only be able to get payments for 34 more weeks).
At the end of the 9 months (39 weeks), payments will stop, but coaching will continue.
Similarly, if you are on rental assistance on the day before you start coaching, then you are able to keep getting rental assistance for a maximum period of 26 weeks (6 months)
Payments will continue to be provided by your existing provider at the same rate, and subject to the same conditions (including reporting and income limits)
You must be getting payments before you start coaching, you cannot get rental assistance payments after you commence coaching.
12 months coaching
up to 9 months (39 weeks) self-employment assistance
up to 6 months (26 weeks) continued rental assistance
Obligations of Small Business Coaching:
Insurance: You must hold and maintain Public Liability Insurance at all times whilst on the coaching. When you start coaching we can reimburse you up to $300 towards legitimate business expenses, most people use that to help reduce the cost of insurance.
Run your business according to your business plan
Business must be your primary activity: working on average 35hrs per week, or with the intention of working 35hrs per week by the end of the 12 months.
Keep us updated on change of circumstances and details: including if you take any leave of greater than 7 days (1week), there is a limit of 28 days (4 weeks) of leave over the 12 months. If you leave the country, any government payments will be automatically stopped.
Call us back: return our calls within 2 business days.
Engage in mentoring: You must attend one mentoring session every 8 weeks:
First session within 28 days of starting coaching (in person)
Subsequent sessions every 8 weeks (online, on the phone or in person)
These are minimum requirements, but we are happy to support you more and also give you free access to our accelerator services - designed to help accelerate your business to success.
Quarterly Reporting: You will need to report to us:
Reporting for Financial Quarters ending March, June, September and December
Submit within 10 business days from the end of the quarter
We will email you with a link to complete the online form when it is due
Report asks 4 key things:
Currency of your insurance (and evidence)
External Income earnt (anything OUTSIDE your business i.e. employment or investment income). Note: This amount WILL affect your self-employment allowance payments (if you are in receipt of them), if it is equal to or greater than double the self-employment allowance payments for the quarter.
Average hours worked in your business per week
Actual and forecast business figures (Revenue, Expenses and Net Income)
PBAS benefits*:
Your participation should remove you from JobSeeker, or meet your Mutual Obligations (though some reporting may still be required).
Business Advice Session
A one-on-one mentor session, giving you advice on starting or running your own small business
​Duration: 1hr (two per year)
Other Notes: Can't be delivered at the same time as Coaching or any other services
PBAS benefits*:15 points per session (two per year)
Business Health Check
A one-on-one session assessing how your business is currently running and ways to improve it.​
Duration: 2-3hrs (split over 2 sessions)
Other Notes: Can't be delivered at the same time as Coaching or any other services
PBAS benefits*: 20 points per health check (1 per year)